Wednesday, June 5, 2013


My thoughts and game plan

            Transitioning from being in 10th grade to 11th, I did not know what to expect. I did know however that the classes I was going to be taking were completely chosen by me. I put myself in a position to take a 3 AP classes; AP Biology, AP English Language and Compositions and AP US History and I needed to take Pre-calculus honors and world history honors. I picked rigorous courses and as a learner I quickly learned that being an AP student is nothing to joke around about because there is so much to do in a short amount of time. The goal at the end of the year is to be prepared to take the AP exam in may and in order to be prepared we needed to commit ourselves to take on the responsibility and actually work to understand most of the content in the curriculum. As learner AP classes have impacted me to view simple assignments as important assignments that should be taken seriously and fulfilled on time.
            Next year as a senior in high school I will be taking AP calculus and AP Literature, which are both very difficult classes. As a student my goals for next year beyond my goals I set for junior year because, I want to succeed and pass both classes with high honor grades. Sure this year I never got a grade below a C+ but it came very close so in order to prevent that, I want to make sure that I am fully committed and check my self at a minimum of once a week to make sure that everything is in order. I plan on changing my habits of sometimes leaving assignments to do last minute, which came out poorly done so next year I plan on getting my work done as soon as possible

1 comment:

  1. +100 - Great job Wally! It was a pleasure having you in class. I know that the skills you developed this year will help you immensely next year as a senior. Good Luck!!!
