Wednesday, May 22, 2013

            Self Reflection As a Bio Student

            This year in school year, I decided to challenge myself by taking three AP courses. Although biology has never really appealed to me I decided to take the class anyways. During the school I realized AP biology is not an easy class because there are so many different concepts that requires in depth thinking and application in order to understand what is going.
            It took me some time to realize that Biology is not the class where you can fake your through, its either you know it or you don’t. My inability to realize this reflected heavily on my performance in the class because of the fact that I personally feel like I could have performed and gotten prepared better for the AP exam. Even though I was able to understand some of the content the class had to offer there is always room for improvement, so in retrospect I wish I would have applied my self to take the extra steps to review as much as possible so that I could have understood the different concepts of the class which would have prepared me well for the AP exam. Although I felt like my work ethic in preparing for the AP exam was not the best at my grades were decent enough for me to feel confident that I performed well in the class. For the 3 quarters of the class I was able to maintain grades above a C+, which for an AP class I consider all right. My performance in the class could have been better and like stated before there is always room for improvement. I think that I could have stayed after school more often or take the initiative to investigate the concepts of the class at home so when I returned to class the next day I would genius. For this year overall I don’t feel that I was performing at my highest potential even though that I was able to maintain my grades up I still feel that my work in AP bio could have been better.

1 comment:

  1. +100 - Thank you for the reflection Wally! It is not an easy class but I appreciate your effort and participation. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!
